6133 NWT Ltd.

Is a NWT Corporation created between Denendeh investments Limited Partnership and J.V. Developments Inc.

6133 NWT Ltd. is a NWT Corporation created between Denendeh investments Limited Partnership and J.V. Developments Inc., a long-time Yellowknife family-based real-estate development company.

In April 2009, 6133 NWT Ltd. purchased the historic Yellowknife Post office building located in downtown Yellowknife. The main floor continues to be occupied by Canada Post.

For more information contact:

  • Darrell Beaulieu, President & CEO
    Denendeh Investments Incorporated
    Suite 401, 4504 – 49th Avenue
    P.O. Box 2725 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R1
    Phone: (867) 920-2764
    Fax: (867) 669-7525
    Email: beaulieu@denendeh.ca
  • Sandra McDaniel, Vice-President
    J.V. Developments Inc., Vice President
    Phone: 873-6959 or 873-1258
    P.O. Box 1446
    Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P1