Yellowknife, NT: Indigenous leaders from the Dene, Metis and Inuvialuit of the NWT met in Yellowknife on May 16, 2018 to explore ways to work together and set priorities to stimulate and drive the territorial economy. This notable one-day discussion focused on ways Indigenous governments can utilize our authorities and provisions contained in the treaties, and land, resource and self-government agreements to meet our economic objectives. Existing Impact and Benefit and Participation Agreements will be respected. As well as moving forward with our current business partnerships that are all important and valuable as building blocks of our respective communities.

During the Forum the Indigenous leaders confirmed a will to work together based on the traditional values of sharing and helping each other. We acknowledged our power and authority as rights holders and discussed ways to monetize those rights to provide own-sourced revenues to improve the social and economic well-being of our members. Indigenous owned transportation, energy and communication corridors would open the exploration and development of our natural resources and help bring those resources to market; address the NWT’s infrastructure deficit; and help close the income disparity between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents in the NWT. Member of Parliament Michael McLeod and Hon. Wally Schumann, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment and Infrastructure participated in the discussions and senior officials from the federal and territorial governments and business and industry leaders attended as observers.

“There is consensus to work together and as leaders we have to determine how we will
move forward,”

concluded Darrell Beaulieu, President and CEO of the Denendeh Group of Companies who facilitated the Forum. Participants were asked to review a draft MOU for working together and provide their input into the next Indigenous Leaders Economic Forum, tentatively set for December 3 & 4, 2018.

For more information: Darrell Beaulieu (867) 920-2764