By making strategic and profitable business ventures, Denendeh Investments Incorporated aims to generate sustainable financial returns and provide significant economic benefits to DILP unit holders, fostering economic growth and prosperity for First Nations communities.
Denendeh Investments Limited Partnership (DILP) holds investments on behalf of the NWT Dene First Nations. Partners include the First Nations of the Gwich’in, Sahtu, Dehcho, Tlicho, Akaitcho, Salt River First Nation and Denendeh Development Corporation.
DILP is managed by its General Partner, Denendeh Investments Incorporated (DII).
DII is a recognized business leader in the Northwest Territories, promoting economic growth and prosperity for First Nations, and making strategic investments to provide financial return and other benefits for DILP unit holders in:
- Northern Aboriginal Services Company
- Naka Power Utilities (NWT) and Naka Power Utilities (Yellowknife)
- Real Estate: Denendeh Manor LP, Akaitcho Post,
- DEMCo LP / DEMCo Ltd.