For Immediate Release
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

YELLOWKNIFE – Dene National Chief Bill Erasmus today praised Denendeh Investments
Incorporated (Dll) for committing to become an equal partner with ATCO in Northland Utilities.

Dll signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) to increase its ownership in Northland
Utilities to 50 per cent, ATCO holds the other 50 per cent. Dll previously owned 14 per cent of
the company, it has been a partner with ATCO in the electric utility for nearly 30 years.

“Increasing Dene ownership in Northland Utilities to become equal partners is the logical next
step in a mutually-beneficial business partnership that has grown over three decades,”
Erasmus adding that the company serves 11,000 customers in nine communities. “We look
forward to exploring the opportunity in having a Dene company serve all Dene communities.”

Northland Utilities is a full-service electrical company that provides retail, distribution,
transmission and generation services in the Northwest Territories (NWT). Dll represents 27
Dene First Nations and 50 per cent of the Aboriginal population in the NWT. Dll was created to
invest in programs and business ventures to help build sustainable communities for its people.

Erasmus said, “These types of business partnerships allow for financial participation in the
NWT’s economy by First Nations and creates real job opportunities for our people.”

The partnership launch, celebrated at noon today at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage
Centre in Yellowknife, was organized under the umbrella of Dll in partnership with ATCO.

For more information, contact:
Phil Mercredi
Dene Nation
Tel: (867) 873-4081