NASCo is one of the largest Indigenous business consortiums in Canada, spanning one third of Northern Canada’s land mass and 74 Indigenous communities.

Formed in 1996, NASCo is owned equally by Denendeh Investments Limited Partnership, Inuvialuit Development Corporation, Nunasi Corporation, and Yukon Indian Development Corporation.

NASCo is engaged in a joint venture with Atco, operating under the name NASCo-Atco Frontec Joint Venture, which has a contract with NorthwesTel to provide maintenance at 151 remote microwave sites and with Bell Mobility for 8 NMI cellular sites across the North. The JV also provides refueling and air charter management services.

For more information contact:

  • Darrell Beaulieu, 1st Vice Present
    Suite 401, 4504 – 49th Avenue
    P.O. Box 2725 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R1
    Phone: 867.920.2764
    Fax : 867.669.7525